Four-year training program in
Contemporary Orgone (Reichian) Therapy

Beginning September 14, 2022
Offered by: Daniel Schiff PhD via Zoom
Year 1: Relational and somatically focused character analysis
An in-depth training program for psychologists, social workers, mental health counselors, and other health professionals who desire to become fully grounded in the theoretical and procedural fundamentals which are used in somatic psychotherapy and contemporary Reichian therapy practice. These fundamentals embody an integration of the character-analytic, biophysical, and bioenergetic (orgonomic) theories and techniques developed by Wilhelm Reich and the ‘here and now’ process-oriented techniques of gestalt therapy with that which is current in the fields of emotion and attachment theory, affective neuroscience, and contemporary psychodynamic psychotherapy.
The program of study is spread over four years with twenty 2-hour video-based meetings per year consisting of two meetings per month for 10 months (September thru June). Forty hours per year total.
Format: Meetings will include discussion of assigned readings, presentation of clinical case material, clinical demonstrations and group experiential work.
Meeting dates and times: Year 1 course syllabus and schedule of meetings can be found at
Learning objectives:
1. Develop a thorough understanding of the key principles underlying the contemporary practice of Reich’s functional somatic psychotherapeutic approach.
2. Develop a thorough understanding of the evolution of contemporary Reichian therapeutic practice from its origins in psychoanalysis to its current form.
3. Develop the ability to use contact and emotional attunement as a ground from which to engage clients from a somatically informed characterological perspective.
4. Learn to apply characterological and somatic interventions with clients in individual therapy to help them address problems with estrangement from somatic experience and identify and lessen defenses against emotional contact, experience and expression.
5. Learn to work in the ‘here and now’ and track and respond to clients’ moment by moment responses to changes in their emotional state by observing somatic changes evidenced by body movement and gestures, changes in respiration and facial expression, and changes in vocal tone and prosody.
Fee: $2400/year; Students currently in Graduate programs $2000/year. Some scholarships available.
Continuing Education: 40 CEUs via NASW Oregon-Chapter
Maximum group size: 12
Daniel Schiff, PhD: Psychologist in private practice in Portland, Oregon with 45 years of experience in the practice of orgone (Reichian) therapy. Has taught courses on somatic psychology and led trainings for therapists for 30 years. Adjunct professor Lewis and Clark College.
FOR FURTHER INFO: Contact Daniel Schiff, PhD at