Student Salon: I don’t know is the only thing I can know: Tolerating ambiguity and holding our theories lightly in therapy.
Date: Saturday, November 6th, 2021
Salon to be held via Zoom – Details for joining are provided upon registration.
All are welcome to attend and contribute to the discussion – professionals and students alike!
Cost: Free for all EHNW affiliates. Others: Professionals – $20, Students – $15
How do you know what you know? How certain are you of your knowledge, your approach, your treatment plan? If these questions unsettle, hooray! Therapy unsettles us. Experienced and wise therapists are fallibilists, recognizing that our understanding of anything or anyone is only a perspective within a horizon limited by our own experience. HOLD YOUR THEORY LIGHTLY.
This perspective keeps us flexible and open to multiple, emerging and expanding horizons of meaning. This also means we live and work with uncertainty and NOT KNOWING in our clinical work. This salon will focus on how our clinical skepticism can increase our humanism in our work.
Carol Swanson will be co-facilitating the conversation with Bob Edelstein.
Carol Swanson has been in private practice in Portland, OR for forty years. She co-founded the Portland Gestalt Therapy Training Institute and has trained therapists in the US, Europe and Australia. Her current interest is studying philosophical resources for clinical work.
She has authored several articles published for Gestalt journals. When not in the Zoom room you can find her in the garden, cycling, hiking, paddling her kayak or paddle board or camping.